emgs Background
(Where, when and how it all began)
What is Energy Management Gold Standard?
Energy Management Gold Standard is a certification system delivered under the ASEAN Energy Management Scheme (AEMAS) based on excellence in energy management. AEMAS started in 2010 but was only officially launched a year later in 2011.
EMGS is a regional certification owned by the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and is implemented by 8 ASEAN member countries. It is supported by the European Commission and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Malaysian Green Technology And Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) has been appointed by the ASEAN Centre of Energy (ACE) as the certification body for EMGS in Malaysia.
EMGS provides organizations with a Sustainable Energy Management System (SEMS) where cost savings are not only achieved but maintained and improved. Under the EMGS program, companies will also get comprehensive training for their energy managers who will lead their company in Energy Efficiency goals.
Energy Management Gold Standard